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All things are possible for one who believes – Mark 9:23

School Information

Waverley Abbey School is a successful Church of England junior school, currently with 480 pupils on roll. Each year group has a PAN (published admissions number) of 120. The school is set in 5 hectares of playing fields on the outskirts of the idyllic village of Tilford in Surrey. There are four-year groups with 4 classes in each one. The school boasts its own covered, heated swimming pool, forest school area and a music and creative arts block. The extensive grounds are a particular feature of the school, with a trim trail, gazebos and picnic areas for the children’s use.

Our pupils consistently attain above Surrey averages when tested at the end of Year 6. By setting high standards of excellence, our teaching staff ensure that every child leaves us a balanced, confident and self-disciplined individual. They gain a sound understanding of curriculum subjects and an awareness and experience of a range of all-round interests.

We are a Church of England school and the fundamental values of love and compassion for one another runs through all that we do. We welcome children of all faiths and beliefs to our school and those who have none. For a large school, there is a strong family feel at Waverley Abbey. The staff, children, local committee and parents all work together as a team. Relationships between staff and pupils are based on mutual trust and respect, and we forge strong and active partnerships with our parent body. This creates a positive atmosphere for everyone within the school community.

We actively encourage our children’s sporting interests and offer a range of clubs. Our pupils represent Waverley Abbey in competitions with other local schools. The school also offers a range of residential opportunities and class learning is often enhanced by an offsite visit or by welcoming a visitor to the school. Children learn effectively through real experiences and we work hard to include this within our curriculum teaching.

To arrange a visit please contact us on 01252 782321 or email us on If you would like a paper copy of any of the information published on our website, please email your request to the address listed above. There will be no charge for this information.