School Uniform
Uniform ordering:
The school holds stock of the following items which can be ordered via Scopay or through the school office:
Polo shirts, ties, jumpers & book bags.
Any other branded uniform items (i.e. sweatshirts, cardigans, PE t-shirts, caps, fleeces) is available via our uniform supplier, Schoolyard using either of the links below.
There is also ample stock of good quality secondhand uniform available in school. Please enquire at the office if you would like to purchase any.
Please equip your child with the following items of clothing prior to him/her starting at Waverley Abbey in September. Please make sure that all items of clothing and shoes are clearly marked with your child’s name (sewn or iron on tapes please - not biro).
Winter Uniform must be worn from after the Autumn Half Term Holidays through to Easter Holidays, as well as for school photographs and formal events.

BOYS - Winter
- Plain, white shirt and school tie
- School sweatshirt
- Mid-grey trousers
- Mid-grey shorts
- Black school shoes
- Plain ankle black or dark grey socks (no trainer socks)
- School Fleece (optional - for playtimes/ outdoor only)
BOYS - Summer
As winter but in addition (if desired)
- Plain white polo shirt
- School T-Shirt
- Plain black shorts
- Plain white football socks
- Trainers
- Swimming trunks & cap
- Towel
- A navy or black, unbranded tracksuit or school fleece may be worn for outdoor PE sessions during the winter
GIRLS - Winter
- Plain white shirt and tie
- Mid-grey skirt or shorts
- Mid-grey tailored trousers (no legging type trousers)
- School sweatshirt or cardigan
- Plain grey or black ankle/knee length socks or black tights (no trainer socks)
- Black school shoes
- School Fleece (optional - for playtimes/ outdoor only)
Girls - Summer
As winter but in addition (if desired)
- Royal Blue and white gingham/striped dress
- White polo shirt
- White ankle/ knee length socks
- School T-Shirt
- Plain black shorts
- Plain white socks
- Trainers
- Swimming costume (one piece) & hat
- Towel
- A navy or black, unbranded tracksuit or school fleece may be worn for outdoor PE sessions during the winter
All children will require a white shirt and school tie for public performances.
In addition, all children will need an old shirt/ apron for Art and Design Technology.
Watches may be worn. We prefer analogue watches but children may wear a digital watch if they wish. No watches with functions other than a pedometer are permitted.
Hair that can be tied back, should be.
Only plain stud earrings may be worn in school and must be removed for swimming and PE. The PE association guidance on this is very clear; that no jewellery should be worn for PE. Plasters over earrings are not an acceptable alternative to removing them and teachers may not remove earrings or take responsibility for them. If your child is considering having their ears pierced please could you make arrangements for this at the start of the summer holidays to allow a maximum healing time. Thank you.