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All things are possible for one who believes – Mark 9:23

SEND, Pastoral and Wellbeing Support

Waverley Abbey aims to develop pupils' social and emotional skills. Social, Emotional, Moral and Cultural education is embedded within our curriculum and practice and through the use of our curriculum, lessons, assemblies and other events children are taught these skills as well as our school Christian values. Emotional, mental health and social support is provided to all children whether or not they have an additional need. The class teacher has overall responsibility for pastoral, medical and social care of every child in their class.


At Waverley Abbey we know that sometimes some children require additional support above and beyond the ordinarily available provision. We provide a range of interventions, strategies and provisions to support children's social, emotional and mental health development:

  • A range of intervention programmes to develop social communications, friendship skills, self-awareness and self-esteem as well as worries and anxieties. These include Talk About programmes.
  • We have a number of LSA's who have had specific training to support children with the development of emotional skills.
  • We have two ELSA’s who are trained in Emotional Literacy Support. Staff work with targeted children either in small groups or individually to support the development of emotional and social skills.
  • Our Behaviour Policy, which includes guidance on expectations, rewards and sanctions, is fully understood and implemented by all staff.
  • We offer a lunchtime club for pupils with specific emotional or social issues who may need additional support during these unstructured times.
  • We regularly monitor attendance and take the necessary actions to prevent prolonged unauthorised absence.
  • Learner voice is central to our ethos and this encouraged in a variety of ways and regularly. This includes our School Council, Eco-Council, ‘Worship’ team and buddy system.
  • We liaise with various external agencies for support as necessary including Educational Psychology, LLS, Behaviour Support, Occupational Therapy, Mindworks.
  • We have five Designated Safeguarding Leads, who liaise with families and Surrey Children’s Services.


Should you feel your child requires additional support or help, please speak directly to the classroom teacher.

In addition, you can find a range of resources below which can be used at home:

5-Day Wellbeing Challenge

Wellbeing challenges to keep our focus on a healthy mind

Better Out Than In

Writing down our problems is better than keeping them floating around our heads.

Feeling chart

Feeling tracker

Feelings thermometer

A tool to rank our feeling and identify when emotions are escalating

Grounding techniques

Strategies to calm and 'ground' 

How are you feeling?

Feelings reflection tool

I Worry About

Worry reflection tool

I am an amazing person

A tool to focus on our strengths

Mindfulness challenge cards

Mindful challenges

If I am feeling... I can...

An emotional resource to help identify the right emotional response

Through my window art therapy

Art therapy resources

Let's Feel Better

Strategies to help us feel better

When I am anxious I can cards

A tool to reflect on moments that make us feel worried

My I can journal

Self-reflection tool to build self-esteem

Understanding emotions

Emotional identification 

How big is my problem?

Useful resource normalise worries

Sleep tips

ELSA associated sleep tips

Sleep advice sheet

Information for Surrey OT about sleep 

Healthy Sleeping

Information from National College regarding healthy sleeping

Top Tips for Sleep

Information from Freemantles on sleep 

Resources provided by Primary Mental Health Works and in association with Mindworks Surrey

Worry Monsters

Tools for bringing worries to life

Make a checklist for worries

Other calming strategies

Graded exposure work for worries

A tool for breaking down worries into chunks

Worry time

Setting time aside to talk about what is worrying us
Resources for ASD

ASD Parent tips

Information NHS CAMHS on ASD

ASD Parenting course

Information NAS Stepping Up For Autism Course

Resources for ADHD

ADHD Parent tips

Information NHS CAMHS on ADHD

ADHD Support Strategies

Information Mindworks on ADHD strategies


Further information can be found on the HSLW page. Please use this link.