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All things are possible for one who believes – Mark 9:23

Home School Link Worker

Our Home School Link Worker is Rachel Parker-Swann

The role of the Home School Link Worker is to:

  • To empower, support, signpost and advise parents/carers on a wide range of family needs.
  • To help children and families to increase school attendance and punctuality.
  • Develop and maintain a positive link between the home and school.
  • To work with children to ensure they achieve their full potential.

How can we help you?

The Home School Link Worker role is tailored to support the needs of your family and your circumstances; The Home School Link Worker can help in many ways including:

  • Enabling parents and children to discuss concerns or worries in a safe and secure environment.
  • To provide early intervention and support at times of stress or change.
  • Assisting parents / carers whose children are reluctant to attend school or have been excluded.
  • Helping parents / carers who may need support on a wide range of issues or difficulties impacting on their family life eg illness, domestic abuse, mental health, disability or financial difficulties.
  • Offering parenting guidance and sign posting to outside agencies and other professionals.
  • Helping families and children to access services, resources and local community information.
  • Offering support in school meetings.
  • Liaising with outside agencies (school nurse, CAHMS, health visitors, GPs) and signpost parents.
  • Help to fill out forms such as: Free School meals, Education Maintained Allowance (EMA), Disability Living Allowance (DLA).


How to contact the Home School Link Worker?

If you would like to speak to our Home School Link Worker,

Rachel Parker-Swann please ring the school office on 01252 782321



The Home School Link Worker offers a confidential service regarding personal issues. However, some information may be passed on to the Senior Leadership Team. If necessary, The Home School Link Worker would seek your permission to also share the information with other staff members within school or outside agencies. Should a safeguarding issue be identified, we are legally bound to follow Government guidelines.

Useful links

Here are some links to organisations that can offer family support:

  • Mindworks Surrey is the emotional wellbeing and mental health service for children and young people in Surrey.     ND team admin number (01372 216 555 9:00-12:30 Mon-Fri)                                                                                  ND Helpline (0300 222 7555  17:00-23:00 7 days a week)                                                                                                Mental Health Crisis Line (0800 915 4644 option 1 24/7 )









  • Barnardos Parent Wellbeing Service supports parents/carers and their families to thrive and gives young people and their parent/carers a central voice in decisions about their care. Details can be found by clicking here.


  • CYP Haven is a mental health and wellbeing drop-in service for young people aged 10-18 where they can talk about worries and mental health in a confidential, friendly and supportive environment. Details can be found by clicking here.


Further resources to support your child can be found on SEND, Pastoral and Wellbeing support pages. Please use this link.