Dear Parents/Carers
May I offer you a very warm welcome to Waverley Abbey Junior School. We are immensely proud of our school and hope that you and your child will enjoy being part of our community. Waverley Abbey is a special place to grow, with lots to offer every child.
It is a happy place to learn - with a strong family feel. Our vision is that ‘All things are possible for one who believes’. Mark 9:23. We know that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37).
We strive for excellence in all we do – in the core curriculum as well as across the wider curriculum including music, sport, and the arts. In 2024 the school achieved standards significantly above the national and Surrey averages; a trend which has continued at Waverley for many years. We are proud of our academic success and strive for further excellence – however we firmly believe in educating the whole child. Our curriculum remains broad throughout the whole of the time your child is with us.
We believe in children taking responsibility and encourage every opportunity for pupil voice within the school e.g. Eco council, worship team and our global schools' committee. Our children also know that they make a difference and many of our children have led charity events within and beyond school.
We live out our vision and values and encourage our children to do the same. Our spiritual life, as a church school, is also important and we offer many opportunities for children to grow spiritually. Children of all faiths and those who have no faith are welcomed into the Waverley Abbey Family. We are the hub of a unique community and are very proud of it.
We enjoy a close relationship with our community, and hope you will want to be part of it! Do contact the school office to arrange a visit.
I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you at Waverley Abbey.
Mrs Rebecca Marshall – Head Teacher
Our Christian vision
Every member of Waverley Abbey is a child of God who learns to live a life of love, compassion and hope within our school family on their way to fulfilling their God-given potential. We want children to leave having grown in faith and courage and established on their spiritual journey.
Our Values
Courage, Honesty, Love, Compassion and Hope
Rebecca Marshall
Head Teacher
Prospective parents are warmly welcomed to Waverley Abbey for our tours. At Waverley we believe the best way to truly get a feel for your child's next school, is to walk the grounds, meet our pupils and chat to the staff who make up our community. We offer tours throughout the Autumn term, as an ideal way to discover more about our wonderful school. Our tour dates will be released in September 2025. If you wish to book a place on a tour, please sign up then or contact the office at or by phoning on 01252 782321.